Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Pass the Geritol please...

Here is a picture of Eugene and me at the river yesterday. Let me explain...

It is very customary for everyone around here to get together and go to the river on a pretty weekend, holiday, etc. (and by river I mean the mighty Mississippi) We usually all meet up and dock boats on a particular sandbar and just "hang out." I know it sounds dangerous... I had to get used to the idea as well.

Yesterday we decided to go to the river along with our friends Mark and Holly (baby Carter's parents.) We pulled up and the four of us are walking across the sandbar to the group when I hear a group of "little" high school girls say... "great more old people to hang out with!" old?

A. I am not old.
B. I look younger than most people in high school.
C. I've been known to whip ass... ok not really but it sounded good!

My ego was bruised most of the afternoon. I couldn't get over that anyone would classify me as old... then I figured out why!

We took a boat ride later and some of the these little chicks get in Mark and Holly's boat with us. They were all acting crazy some people even standing up in the moving boat. (No one standing could stand well on solid ground if you get my point much less in a moving boat on the rough MS River. So, Me Maw (as I was affectionately nicknamed all day) starts commanding people to sit down. I did feel old after that boat ride! Oh well... I guess it just happens.


LT (and Max) said...

WHAT? oh they just didn't know who they were dealing with! highschoolers annoy the mess out of me.

i knew i was in trouble last year when i had college students come to my classroom to observe me teach and they would say "yes ma'am" to me. NO!! they're only like 5 years younger than me!! ahh!

The Benjamins said...

That story and picture are so funny. It just occurred to me that I am old. I never thought it would happen!

Unknown said...

My student workers (3 and 4 years younger than me) refer to me as m'am and Mrs. heather.

I threatened to fire them if they did not stop.

mary straton said...

I feel old all the time, but WE ARE NOT OLD.

Eugene looks dead sexy in his shorts.

Anonymous said...

katie - i'm not sure how heather did it...i just inserted the pic and that's how it turned out. i'm so not good at the blogging thing...i'm still learning!

LWolfe said...

um, your blog looks AMAZING!!! and, i encountered many a wise adolescent at the river this week...we went to Paris Landing with Travis' parents, and it was run over with incredibly intelligent young people. i decided that stupid people really tick me off, especially when they are younger than I am. I'm right there with you sister...i would have put them in their place as well, but probably not as nicely as you. i wouldn't be 17 again for all the money in the world!

Anonymous said...

You keep me laughing everytime I read our blog! I love and miss you!