Well, first and foremost my apologies for not blogging in almost a month. But, basically any free time I have had, I have either been studying, homework, or trying to sleep.
So far, things have gone well. It has been a lot of work, but I know in the end it will ALL be worth it. Here is just a little play by play of Parsipanny over the last three weeks.
The first weekend we had a fun time getting to know everyone and well… spending too much time at the sports bar! We (the group of people I have become friends with) found a great sports bar called Miami Mike’s. SO MUCH FUN…

These two girls are great... they are in my district. Chrissy and Caitlin are both from Kentucky and sweet as can be!
Here is a group shot from Miami Mike's the first weekend... yes REALLY big beers in multitude = DRUNK!
The next weekend I went into NYC with some friends. I overslept and couldn’t make the circle line curise with all the girls… so I tagged along with the guys for the trip. It was fun though. We went to ESPN zone in Time Square and played video games at the arcade. I don’t think I have done that in FOREVER! We did see lots of great sights, but oddly enough, the games were the highlight of the night.

Originial cross from ground zero.

I am pretty darn good at playing video games!
This Carnival cruise liner was in the harbor as we came into town. It was pretty cool looking.
After a long day in the city, I came back to the hotel to find someone had beeng thinking of me. Eugene sent me BEAUTIFUL flowers!

What a sweet husband I have!
This past weekend I had a WONDERFUL relief. Eugene came to visit. I struggled making it through week 3. I felt like I couldn’t handle the homesick feeling. So, the weather and airline smiled on us and we were able to get him a last minute ticket after it rained. YAY! Friday night we went into Morristown (a precious little township near Parsippany) and at dinner at Provesi’s. It was a super authentic Italian restaurant and was very yummy! We turned in early that night and I promise you I had the best night of sleep I have had in weeks! I had a full stomach and my husband next to me… HEAVEN!
On Saturday we went into the city. The first place we went was the
Top of the Rock. It is an exceptional view of the city and well worth the money.
Eugene posing with a wax figure of Samuel L. Jackson outside of madam tussaud wax museum

Then, we headed on to Central Park and took in the sights of everyone making out! Who knew that so many people would do that in public. Get a room!

Here is Eugene doing his best, don't hate me because I am beautiful pose!
We ended our day with Chinatown. We wanted to go into Little Italy, but it started to get dark and I didn’t want to be near Canal at that time. Just seems scary! It was a great day! I was so excited to see Eugene. It was the only thing that has made this last week bearable. I have one more test on Wednesday and then a BIG role play on Thursday. I am super nervous about that. I am not really comfortable roll playing in our small groups. I really don’t want to do it in front of the whole class! Oh well… part of it I guess. I can’t wait to get home Friday. I want the biggest lick from Sam! I just hope her remembers me. I am kind of worried.
Sammy… mommy’s coming home!!!!!