Today marks 8 years for Eugene and I... 8 years ago today Eugene and I sat on his blue couch in the Sigma Chi house and had the following conversation:
K: So, are you my boyfriend?
E: Uh, I guess. Do you want me to be?
K: Yes, good so it is official today.
Poor thing... he didn't stand a chance. I was closing the deal whether he liked it or not! :)

Having fun at Derby Days! I think this was 2001.
Back to our favorite party ever!!! KD Kidnap. This was senior year. Eugene loved his sign I had him to wear during the big "who is my date" event. How fun!

This was the night we got engaged. Eugene proposed in 2004 on my birthday, June 12. He did it on top of the Peabody in Memphis. We went out and partied with friends that night! It was perfect!

Thanks for a wonderful 8 years together Eugene! I love you with all of my heart and can't wait to one day show our kids the terrible picture we have of our first date. :)