So, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to snow ski. I had never been before and was really nervous about our trip. I knew I was going with people that had all been skiing before. Holly and I had decided that we were going to ski school the first day, but poor thing got the stomach virus the fist night. Needless to say, she couldn't ski with me the first day. So... when ski school was full I sat at the bottom of the mountain and cried. I told Eugene I would just go home and he could ski. But, my VERY PATIENT and WONDERFUL husband took lots of time to teach me. He even let me yell at him when I got frustrated... which was often. Thanks honey! You're the best!

My brother in law Paul, sister in law Elizabeth, Eugene and I
Elizabeth and I
In case you were wondering, I hated the ski lift and goggles don't make you look cute!