We had a great weekend!! My parents, brother, sister in law, nieces, and 2 of my aunts came to visit. It was wild at our house with four little ones for sure! I loved every minute of it. Worth had the stomach bug last week and Caroline had a double ear infection. So, the visit not only gave me lots of great family time, but it also gave me LOTS OF HELP!
Eugene has started working his LONG hours 7 days a week. Harvest time is serious, and I will pretty much be a single parent until Thanksgiving. I know that this will not last forever, but having my family here gave me an extra boost of confidence and just enough TLC to get me going. I am praying hard for strength, energy, and a positive attitude every single day. I know that the challenges of having 2 little ones can be overwhelming, but I can't imagine what my life would be like without them. Thank you God for blessing me with an amazing family, husband, and 2 beautiful babies!

Caroline, Sophie, Worth, Ava
i love all of that maroon and white!!!!! what a great pic.
those are some precious children!! and i can't believe how big ava is!
That is the most adorable photo, Katie! I love your updates! I can't get enough of W&C. : ) Love those Dawgs outfits...and all four stayed on the couch...Impressive!
That is such a great picture! I cannot believe how big Worth and Caroline are getting. Time is going by too fast! Reeves is walking all over the place now. The next few weeks are going to be a challenge, but I have COMPLETE faith that you can handle it. You are super mom!
Katie! They are all adorable! Those twins are getting so big! They are so cute, even if they are wearing Bulldog uniforms :)
Just blog hopping tonight and found your blog again thru Gracie's, which I found thru my friend missy's who just had twins! ha! But, went to Miss. State with you and Eugene and just wanted to pop in and see how your twins were doing. they are adorable!!!! xoxo, cat more - www.constantinchaos.blogspot.com
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