I think that finding a good OBGYN is an incredible thing. It may sound simple, why would you want to see a bad one? But... I have the most utmost respect for my doctor and think she is just FANTASTIC! With all of my "issues" before we got pregnant we have gotten to know one another very well and have a great relationship. So, I went in for a follow up from our little scare. I was not able to see her the day I was hemorrhaging. I instead saw one of her partners. She had some free time in the office on Monday and said that with all that had gone on she knew I wouldn't mind taking a peak at the babies again... just for fun. So, she came in the sonogram room with me and the tech (who is great as well) did a "just for fun" 4D ultrasound. How great, right?!?
Look at this incredible detail. You can see baby B very well. He/She was on top of Baby A so it was hard to get a clear image of him/her. They still look a little alien"ish" from the top. I love how you can see their legs curled up against their bodies. SO SWEET! I can't wait to have these little ones in my arms.
Look at this incredible detail. You can see baby B very well. He/She was on top of Baby A so it was hard to get a clear image of him/her. They still look a little alien"ish" from the top. I love how you can see their legs curled up against their bodies. SO SWEET! I can't wait to have these little ones in my arms.
Baby B

Baby A

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