... months that is. The twins turned three months old this past weekend. I cannot believe it! I guess I am officially out of the "4th trimester" or baby boot camp as I have heard it called. I started work last Monday and we are trying hard to settle into a routine. The babies have been going to day care, and from what I can tell... loving it. I really like where they are and feel very comfortable with the lady in charge.
The babies have gotten B.I.G. Caroline was a little bit under the weather this past weekend (a welcome to day care cold nonetheless) and we took her to the doctor. Little porky weighed in at 12lbs 4 oz.
As for Worth, if I had to guess I would say he is 13lbs or so. They both are laughing out loud, love to play on their activity mat and most importantly, ARE SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT!!!!!!
We had the twins baptized on June 12th. It was a great day! We had everyone over to celebrate the occasion.
hey girl! Don't know if you remember me, but I went to state (married john taylor moore). Hope you don't think I'm crazy, but I have been stalking your blog since finding it via someone else's blog and hearing you were having twins!!!! 1- I love babies and I've always wanted twins. 2- I've never seen anyone look SO great pregnant with twins. 3- I was so pumped you got to have one of them the way you wanted before having a c-section. Anyway, just watned to say hi since I haven't visited in a while and never commented. Beautiful babies!
~cat moore
by the way, my blog is:
Katie, congrats on the twins' birthdays and baptism, I can't believe they've grown so much! They are just beautiful! You'll have to clue me in on how day care is going...I'm worried sick about sending Stella to daycare but we know we will do it at least after she is 4 months old! We are hoping to have an in-house nanny for her first few months after I go back in July.
Beautiful baptism gowns! They are chunking up aren't they? Preemie who? Glad to hear the sleeping thru the night is sticking-what a wonderful milestone :)
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