Wednesday, the twins turned 2 months old!!! Holy cow... time flies. We had their 2 month check-up with cute Dr. Hannah. She said that they both look great and have met the milestones for this visit. They both smile. They can follow you with their eyes, and they are more alert. She said that they should start cooing any day now. Caroline makes some attempts, but hasn't quite mastered it. (click on their stats if you need to see them bigger)

They needed to eat before their appointment, so I got to the clinic an hour early to give them plenty of time. I got all set up and then fed them before a live audience... really! It was like no one had ever seen twins before let alone one person feed them both at the same time.
Here was our set up
Worth is a much faster eater than Caroline. So, he was quite content to stare out of the window for the remaining half hour.
We finally got called back and the sweet babes had to be stripped down. They look so sweet... little do they know they each have three painful shots ahead of them!
Thank goodness I could give them tylenol after the shots. They were both running fever by the time we got home, and were NOT happy campers. I spent most of last night awake with one of them. They were super fussy and would only sleep if they were held. Needless to say, at 5am I gave in. I built a fort of pillows on the couch and settled in with them both on my chest.
Shots=NO FUN!
And, for the record, I kind of wanted to cry with them.
Those pictures are absolutely adorable. Seriously Katie... Worth and Caroline couldn't be any cuter! I would so be one of those people staring in amazement. I could barely -and a lot of times not- handle one baby really well. I'm so impressed.
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