The twins are really starting to enjoy the other's company. They cannot get enough of each other's faces. I love to lay them in the bed together first thing in the morning and listen to them talk back and forth to one another!
"Let me tell you something Worth, I'm in charge... no matter what anyone says!"
We started the babies on rice cereal this past weekend. I had no idea that eating with a spoon would be such a foreign concept for these little kiddos. It was pretty hilarious. Worth made the most terrible face and then spit every bit of it back out. Caroline on the other hand was completely offended that we would offer her anything off of a spoon! How could we?!
"I don't know what she is crying about. Doesn't she know she can just spit it out?"
Katie, they are just adorable!! I know you are having so much fun with them. I can't even imagine what it must be like to cook supper with two babies needing your attention! Keep the pictures coming - they are growing upso fast!
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