My grandfather passed away during the night. I thank the Lord for ending his suffering, but at the same time wish that he were still here. Please pray for my family during this difficult timeI was searching around looking for great quotes about grandfathers, life, death, etc and came across this wonderful saying. I thought it really said everything I was feeling.
God saw you getting tired, getting better was not meant to be. So He put His arms around you and He whispered, "come to me." With tearful eyes we watched, as you passed away and although we loved you dearly, we could not make you stay. A golden heart stopped beating, hard working hands now rest. God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the best.
Monday, July 30, 2007
He Will Be Missed
Posted by Katie at 7/30/2007 07:45:00 AM 18 comments
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Meeting Houston...
Posted by Katie at 7/29/2007 09:26:00 PM 2 comments
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Bad Blogger
My apologies for being a "bad blogger" this week and not posting! I am sure that my few readers out there have really missed me. We are remodeling the bank that I work at starting on Monday. I knew that I would have to move offices eventually because my floor was becoming a cubicle floor. Well, Tuesday afternoon my boss comes in and says, "You need to have your entire office packed and moved up to 6th floor by in the morning. Sorry for the short notice." Needless to say, Tuesday and yesterday involved LOTS of manual labor! Then, on top of that Security Bank helps sponsor the back to school celebration for the Dyersburg City School district. Last year we were really trying hard to get the business of school district, and I took one for the team.

Kind of creepy that the head is sitting there looking at me getting dressed. Please notice how LARGE that head is compared to me. It literally almost tipped me over when I put it on!
This celebration is tomorrow and requires a lot of work and coordination on my part. So... I will be glad when the week is over! Dyersburg schools go year around. It isn't that bad though. They go 9 weeks and get off 2 weeks. I think I could do that!! Then, they still get 6 weeks in the summer! So... there are my excuses as to why I have not blogged. I am going home this weekend! Can't wait!!! I get to see Houston on Saturday and hold his sweet little self.
Posted by Katie at 7/26/2007 09:19:00 AM 6 comments
Monday, July 23, 2007
Houston Davis Edwards
Lori Beth called me this morning and said that Houston has arrived!! His stats are below. I am sure she will get some pictures up as soon as possible.
Mom and baby are both doing well!
Congratulations Stephen and Lori Beth!!
Posted by Katie at 7/23/2007 11:24:00 AM 2 comments
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Let's get together...
Posted by Katie at 7/22/2007 09:51:00 PM 3 comments
Monday, July 16, 2007
A Whole Lot of Sunnin' Going On!
We had a great weekend with lots of sunnin' going on. It started off on a sad note with me learning that my sweet Paw Paw had to go back into the hospital. We were going to head to Natchez for the weekend but decided to wait it out instead. So... we did lots of pool and river lounging over 2 days.
Posted by Katie at 7/16/2007 09:34:00 PM 6 comments
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Where has the time gone...
It seems like it was yesterday that my sweet little neice Ava was just a swollen pink freshly birthed baby.
How have 6 1/2 months passed so quickly?!?! She looks like such a BIG girl in these pictures! Time flies and she isn't even mine...
"Now look... things are always going to be my way or the highway. Got it?"
"No dad... right here. Hey mom... keep this stuff coming."
*Important note, no children were harmed or drunken in the making of this photgraph. She likes to grab and they captured a great candid! :)
I miss you Ava!
Posted by Katie at 7/12/2007 09:18:00 PM 4 comments
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Lazy Days of Summer
I think this picture says it all... We had a wonderful lazy weekend!
I just love it when that happens. We actually had an engagement party and wedding reception to go to on Saturday night, but other than that... we did very little! I was excited that I got to work in my flowerbeds and put together some potted plants on my deck. Eugene got to go fishing, and Sam got lots of lovin' all weekend!
Look how great my potted flowers turned out! I just love Zinnias... they are so pretty.
We have this area in our flower bed that is constantly shaded. I have been debating on what to plant there for a while, so I went to Lowe's on Saturday to hunt. All of their flowers were on sale! I got some Impatients just for some color. Then, I got a great sale price on a hydrangea bush. Hydrangeas are my MOST FAVORITE flower, and we already have 3 great bushes on the side of the house. So, why not have an extra. Once it grows it will be beautiful and eventually big enough that I will not have to plant annuals around it for color. Grow baby grow!
We spent Sunday mostly lying around watching TV. I watched a marathon of The Real Estate Pros... I love that show! Eugene and Sam spent some great time snuggling on the couch. How sweet!
I hope your weekend was just as great!
Posted by Katie at 7/08/2007 09:57:00 PM 7 comments
Friday, July 6, 2007
Posted by Katie at 7/06/2007 08:30:00 AM 8 comments
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Pass the Geritol please...
Here is a picture of Eugene and me at the river yesterday. Let me explain...
It is very customary for everyone around here to get together and go to the river on a pretty weekend, holiday, etc. (and by river I mean the mighty Mississippi) We usually all meet up and dock boats on a particular sandbar and just "hang out." I know it sounds dangerous... I had to get used to the idea as well.
Yesterday we decided to go to the river along with our friends Mark and Holly (baby Carter's parents.) We pulled up and the four of us are walking across the sandbar to the group when I hear a group of "little" high school girls say... "great more old people to hang out with!" old?
A. I am not old.
B. I look younger than most people in high school.
C. I've been known to whip ass... ok not really but it sounded good!
My ego was bruised most of the afternoon. I couldn't get over that anyone would classify me as old... then I figured out why!
We took a boat ride later and some of the these little chicks get in Mark and Holly's boat with us. They were all acting crazy some people even standing up in the moving boat. (No one standing could stand well on solid ground if you get my point much less in a moving boat on the rough MS River. So, Me Maw (as I was affectionately nicknamed all day) starts commanding people to sit down. I did feel old after that boat ride! Oh well... I guess it just happens.
Posted by Katie at 7/05/2007 08:52:00 AM 7 comments
Monday, July 2, 2007
If it's not one thing... it's another!
Well, here I am once again posting about poor Sam. Not only is the poor thing recovering from his recent street trauma he was stung in the face by a wasp today! I had to work from home most of the afternoon got to my house around lunch. I brought Sam in from outside to enjoyu the AC while Eugene and I went to lunch. When I got home, Sam was just lying around being a dog... then I saw this pesky wasp flying around and promptly killed it with Raid. Anyway, a little while later Sam started acting really strange. I noticed his eye was swelling. I gave him a benedryl thinking he was just having allergies or something. Well... it got worse as the night went on. Pretty soon both of his eyes were almost swollen shut. His nose is all swollen as well as his mouth of lips or whatever. This too promted a late night call to the vet. I was worried if his face was swelling that his airway would swell. We just have to watch him. He goes in at 8:30 in the morning anyway for his follow up appt and xrays. So, they will check him out. I promise we take good care of our dog! He just has bad luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is what we are dealing with folks!
Normal, cute, adorable Sam...
Swollen, miserable, wasp stung Sam. His eyes make me hurt!
Posted by Katie at 7/02/2007 10:21:00 PM 4 comments