So, what do you do when the heat index is 109 outside? You stay in the water! That is pretty much the sum of our weekend. We went to Mary Kathryne's dad's house on Saturday and lounged by the pool and then hung out at the river on Sunday. We had a great time with friends and are now on the official countdown until Mary Kathryne and Chris's wedding next weekend! I can't wait!

Our precious & wonderful friends Richard & Natalie went to dinner with us Friday night. So fun!
Saturday we took Sam to swim with us, and he got to play with Sable and Barkley all day. This is mid-Frisbee sprint!
Poor Sable has an eye infection and has to wear goggles. How funny is this!!

Cute Carter Korn... He was not feeling too well this day. But... he still stole the show!
The Korn Family (Holly, Carter, Mark)
Kim and Natalie relaxing in the pool.
Sam and Barkley... Best Friends Forever! :)
MK, Natalie, and myself at the River
Kim, Holly, MK, Natalie, myself, and Liz... we had a blast!!
Natalie being... well Natalie! :)
Holly and MK in an apparently very exciting moment.
Only 5 more days until she's the bride!! Woo Hoo!!
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