I am not even sure if anyone reads my blog anymore since I post so infrequently these days. But, if there is anyone out there... here we go again!

Holly & I
Myself, Ali Hurt, Elizabeth Lague (Eugene's Sister), and Holly
"The Burks Sisters" Anne Laura, Mary Kathryne, Susan, Natalie
Eugene doing something entertaining! :)
Mary Kathryne's bachelorette party was the last weekend of June. We went up to Kentucky lake, which is about an hour and a half from my house. We had a blast!!!

The whole gang... Please notice the "Tom Selleck" look alike in the picture. He decided to bug us all night long!!
The bride-to-be and me @ Seaton's Restaurant

Two of my dearest friends, Mary Kathryne & Holly!! My life in Tennessee wouldn't be the same without these two girls!
Mary Kathryne in her bride gear that she wore Saturday night. She looked precious!
I FINALLY got to go home this past weekend. It was way too overdue. I hadn't seen my family in 9 weeks. That is just too long for me!!! Of course the weekend flew by, and it was hard to leave Sunday. Ava was the star of the weekend for sure though! We swam all day Saturday at my grandmothers. She did great in the water and wasn't scared at all! She even went down the slide with my brother! She has become quite the chatter box too. She says my name and Unc Gene for Eugene. Too cute!! She says lots of other things, but as long as Katie is part of it that is all that matters!

Ava gearing up for a big swim.
She loved going off the diving board with Adam! He held her up high so she didn't go under.
Playing in her frog pool and saying 1-2-3 yay!
Swimming with her daddy
She LOVED the slide
Getting ready for her big descent.
Saturday night Eugene and I went to an Announcement Fiesta for our friends Ryan and Kathleen. I didn't manage to get a picture of the happy couple, but I did get some pictures with my two best girlfriends from high school, Marcie and Kate!!
Very cute and tiny 6 1/2 month pregnant Marcie. She is having a little girl in October.
Marcie and I look like a big orange blob together... Kate we should have put you in the middle to mix it up! :)
Kate and I being silly after a couple margaritas.
Hi Katie. It was good to see you at Leah and Pete Keiser's wedding. Hope things are going well.
Welcome back to the blogging world!
well, i missed you katie! i'm glad to know you are alive and well!!!
Yes, you have been missed! I was afraid you threw in the towel on blogging! Glad you are back...now we need to get your sis-in-law back on board!
Been missing your updates. Looks like ya'll have had lots of fun! Welcome back
So glad you are back! Ava is PRECIOUS!!
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