Anyone got a poster of Raquel Welch
Think Shawshank Redemption... I'm wishing I could chisel my way out of this prison and into the free world. Babies are still cooking, which of course is good. But, I am wearing down. I had a major melt down this morning. I woke up with another headache and by the time they got the doctor on call to call me in some meds stronger than Tylenol for my head I was a mess. I didn't feel well and just wanted to be at home. I think I cried all morning off an on. Thank goodness my mom was here to help me handle my meltdown. She is staying with me this week during her spring break. It's wonderful to have her here for many reasons, 1-she's my mommy and who do you else do you want when you feel bad. 2- Eugene is able to work and keep things moving with the renovation at home.
The doctor did come in this morning after he got out of surgery and made the comment like he didn't know if I would make it to my goal date of 37 weeks (next Thurs). So... we shall see. I will have more labs drawn tomorrow morning to assess my toxemia and see if my levels have worsened. I feel certain they will come back the same and I will hear, "everything looks the same, so we are going to continue to watch you." I better find this rock hammer soon.

Here is a view of the belly one day shy of 36 weeks. There is no face with this picture since one of the side effects of toxemia is swelling. Trust me... it's not pretty. We had a sonogram on Monday and Worth is weighing in at 5lbs and 13 oz and Caroline is a dainty 5 lbs and 5 oz.

And... here is a glimpse into my world. This is my room that I live in 24/7. It's nice and big, don't get me wrong, but you know... it can boring.
I cannot even imagine. Get some trashy magazines, season collections of tv shows, and some good books. The good news is that the babies sound like they're great. I totally feel sorry for you, though.
oh katie, hang in there. i can't imagine! i know you are so bored - and that you are trying not to go crazy! yay for healthy babies though.!!! for sure! and how awesome that your mom is off work this week? perfect timing.
thinking and praying for you!
Hang in there!! Not too much longer :) And btw...there is no way you are hiding 2 babies in that tiny belly. You look least, from neck down...ha!
Hi, Katie. I'm Amy Winstead Stewart's mom, Carol. I've been following your progress and pray for you daily. SO thankful that you and those precious babies are doing well. And isn't God's timing just perfect to let your mama be there with you right now. I hope you have a wall calendar where you can mark these days off with BIG RED X's!! Just know that there are lots of us out here you don't even know about who are rootin' for y'all in the most powerful way possible.
Hang in there sister! I have been in your same situation minus the 2 buns in the oven and it is MISERABLE. Don't you wish that hospitals had fun activities on the floor to keep you occupied? Ask the nurses if you can decorate the bulletin boards in the hallways...that's what I had to do before I threw myself out of the window. I am so sorry that you're having to go through this but think about those 2 angels in your arms in a week or sooner. Love you tons and hope you get to feeling better!
bless your heart! you can do it!
It will be just fine...Thank GOD for moms.....and a little FYI..your Uncle Joes birthday is March 25th... So you may or may not give Joe a big birthday surprise...or should I say 2 birthday surprises..
Papaw ask about you A LOT through out the WHOLE day..we are praying for you all and hope to see photos of the babies next...
Love to you all...
Hi! Congratulations on your beautiful babies. Such blessings! Somehow stumbled on your blog through seeing a friend/family member (Amy Gregson) comment on the photo of your babies on Facebook. I'm 5mo. along with baby #4 and just get so excited when I see others welcoming new little ones. We have a family blog, as well, and I always wonder who strangers are then I see them on my Feedjit so I'd thought I'd comment on who I am. :) Best wishes as you journey through motherhood!!
Shannon Carraway
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