I want to thank everyone for all of the sweet messages that were left on the blog. I never imagined that I had 18 wonderful viewers!
My Paw Paw's funeral was last Wednesday, August 1st. It was a beautiful ceremony and he had a grand turnout. Please continue to pray for us as we deal with the grief of his absence. I must admit
I am having a far more difficult time that I thought. We knew he was sick and that this was going to happen, but I just can't seem to grasp the fact that he is really gone. He was such an integral part of my life that I can't seem to put aside this "empty" feeling. His death has really taken me to places within my spirituality that I never thought I would travel. I find myself questioning and wondering what Heaven is really like and why we believe what we do. I keep searching for the perfect description to put my mind and heart at ease, but I can't. I know and will continue to pray that God will help me find peace with his decision to take my grandfather.

sweet katie.
i have a book suggestion for you that just may help you with this difficult topic... it is called HEAVEN by Randy Alcorn. it is not a quick OR easy read, but it BIBLICALLY helps us see what Heaven is really like... and helps us picture our passed loved ones there! i am not a reader... and this book was really hard for me- but i did it in a Bible study and learned WAY more than i ever thought i would learn.
it is hard, because is all of the sermons that we have heard our whole lives, Heaven is a rare topic, dontcha think? i love you and i pray that your pain gets easier soon...
I lost my grandfather this past year as well. It is very hard. I took it harder than I thought I would also. Death is so hard no matter if the person is sick or not. My grandfather had been sick for years but I still longed to see him alive. But then I realized that God always has everyones best interest in mind and that he was in such a better place. I hope that that can give you a little encouragement. I will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers.
Katie - I was going to make the same suggestion MK did - read HEAVEN. It is so encouraging to be able to picture what Heaven (and the New Earth) will be like (there are actually cities, buildings, houses, meals nature, etc). It helps to understand what we'll be doing (we'll work at jobs we actually enjoy and there will be no sense of tiring or failing or dead associated). Also, there will be such freedom since sin is no longer part of our lives(no fear, no unhappy tears, no sadness, no illness, no irritations, no pain, etc). We will see JESUS and we will be so happy that we will praise and praise him automatically. I'm getting excited just typing about it...
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