Well that's all folks. I guess you could say that this weekend was our official end to summer. Eugene, Sam, and I went to Pickwick with his friends Michael Harkins and Chad Graham. We had a great time! We probably won't make another trip back to lake until next year. :( It was a quiet weekend, for me more so than the guys! I think they saw the wee hours Friday and Saturday night. I, on the other hand, got some good sleep.

Sam enjoyed going to Pickwick for the 2nd weekend in a row. He has his routine down now. He loves to hang out in his chair and float with me... such a sweetie! Then, he will get on the boat and nap like a king.
And I just had to put this picture in here. Adam, Eugene thought you would really like this. I honestly can say that I hope you NEVER own anything that resembles this.
oh! i have a boat just like that but it has a #8 on the side for dale earnhart, jr. haha! j/k but i do wish i owned a boat...probably not that one though.
I wish my dogs were as well-behaved as Sam.
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