Eugene and I had been searching and searching for the perfect little puppy. We knew that we wanted a golden retiever, but finding the perfect one was difficult. Anyway, around Christmas our search took a great turn! I found Sam's breeder and she said he would be ready in plenty of time for me to give to Eugene as a birthday present. So... our sweet lil' Sam became a reality!
The Day We Picked Him Up:

He has turned out to be such a special part of our family. He is growing so fast and is in full swing "puppy mode." He loves to chew, chew, chew! We have gotten used to wearing oven mitts on our hands so he can just go to town, and we feel no pain.

My Two Loves...
Here he is in his cute St Patty's day shirt I bought him. Eugene was not excited that I was dressing our male dog, but I mean come on. How cute does he look?! Plus, I won't always dress him... just this once.
I am currently home sick with mono! NO FUN. Anyway, Eugene left for work this morning, and I decided that I was still tired. Rather than putting him in his crate like I should have, I left him in the kitchen and sitting room. I had his baby gate up, but I forgot to close the other door in the kitchen. I must have been sound asleep and didn't hear him run down the hall.
During his grand adventure he found a roll of toilet paper. He also found a pile of Eugene's farm magazines. Here is the BEAUTIFUL site that I saw as I rounded the corner this morning.
Gotta love puppies...
At least he wasn't bored this morning while I was getting some good zzz's!
awwww MONO!!! who you been kissin'? =)
and i have to say that sam looks pretty cute with his 'uh oh i got caught' face!
hope you feel better- and by the way... your header/banner thingy is CUUUUUUUTE!
I love it! Your blog looks awesome! I hope you are feeling better! Your puppy is adorable!
adorable!!!!! :)
glad you're a blogger! :)
Sam is adorable! I bet he would have the best time with my Bailey Girl. I look forward to keeping in touch through our blogs...
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