No I don't have a fascination with a terrible old Styx song. Tomorrow I am going under the knife... or should I say robot. I am having surgery with this cutting edge new machine called the da Vinci Surgical System . This amount of technology is amazing to me. It provides a much more precise surgery, hopefully will prevent me from having to be cut open, and (BIG HOPE) will leave certain precious things in their place so that one day I can grace this world with children! (Although, I have heard from many that Eugene was such a hellion as a child that maybe I should be scared of that notion.)

I wish that I could say I was going to come out with some new fun enhancement :) but that is not the case. To spare you all the gory details lets just say, can you please keep me in your prayers. I am very nervous, as to be expected, but I do know that God will be by my side tomorrow, and that is all I can ask. The specialist and my regular OB will be there, and I also pray that God is guiding them tomorrow too!
I sincerely hope that everyone has a very blessed and happy Easter! I have a new saying/prayer that I read last week. It has been getting me through these nerves, and I hope that it can inspire someone else like it did me.
If God brings you to it
God will get you through it.
I love you God and I need you.
Without you I am nothing.
I sincerely hope that everyone has a very blessed and happy Easter! I have a new saying/prayer that I read last week. It has been getting me through these nerves, and I hope that it can inspire someone else like it did me.
If God brings you to it
God will get you through it.
I love you God and I need you.
Without you I am nothing.

I will be praying for you Katie!
you will be in my prayers!
i will pray for you too!!! please keep us updated.
love you friend.
I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow...
Go Robot! You are in my prayers and I hope to talk to you soon!!
Katie, I had no idea you were having surgery!! I will definitely be saying prayers!!
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