As I told Eugene after the movie, I haven’t cried that hard in a movie since Titanic. My poor bother can attest that crying fit. He was so embarrassed. What can I say; I was 17 and a hopeless romantic. The thought of Jack and Rose being robbed of their new love was totally overwhelming to me. Ok, enough of that back to Marley.

1. We often have a 110 lb 5 foot long dog sleeping in the middle of us in a queen sized bed. No, you are right… there isn’t enough room. But, we love it.
2. Sam has total run of our house. I am sure it annoying to some, but he is our baby.
3. Everyone that meets him first says, WOW that is a big dog. Then it is immediately followed by but he is so pretty or he is so sweet… and he is!
4. He loves to snuggle, spoon to be exact.
5. We are pretty sure we now speak dog. Sam will make certain noises and we think we know what he means. Silly I know… but like I said we love this guy!
6. When he drinks water he slings it everywhere. I mean EVERYWHERE. He drinks with such vigor that water is usually all over the floor and dripping down his fur. He doesn’t use his manners when someone is standing near either… wet feet are often in house.
7. He loves to play tug of war. He can pull me like a skier if I have on socks and he is holding the rope toy. Watch out 2010 Winter Olympics. We may have coined a new sport!
8. If you so much as mention the word “outside” he will jump up ready to go even from a dead sleep.
9. He knows when we don’t feel well… he once laid right outside of our room like he was guarding us for hours when Eugene and I both had the stomach virus.
10. He loves us unconditionally. Wherever we are, he wants to be with us… and we feel the same.
"A dog has no use for fancy cars or big homes or designer clothes. Status symbol means nothing to him. A waterlogged stick will do just fine. A dog judges others not by their color or creed or class but by who they are inside. A dog doesn't care if you are rich or poor, educated or illiterate, clever or dull. Give him your heart and he will give you his. -John Grogan (author of Marley and Me)